The Fine Print...
Any athlete diving more than one hour per week is required to work an appointed number of bingos per session.
The number of bingos that you are required to work is dependent on the level of training the athlete participates in.
Families with two divers registered in a session, who both have bingo commitments as part of their class fees, will receive a 10% reduction in the number of bingos they are required to work.
Families with three or more divers registered in a session will receive a 15% reduction in the number of bingos they are required to work, if all three divers are required to work bingos.
All bingo reductions are rounded to the nearest whole number. Ie: A fractional value greater than or equal to 0.5 is rounded up to the next whole number.
Two additional $200 Bingo Penalty Cheques are required and will be cashed in the event that you do not show up for a bingo session you have agreed to work.
Bingo Security Cheques will be returned to you as each bingo is worked. Bingo Penalty Cheques will be returned at the completion of the year or diving session.
If you do not want to work any bingos, you are required to indicate this to the Registrar at the time of registration. You may opt to pay $80 for each bingo you are required to work which can be paid out in a lump sum at registration, or added to your monthly class fees.
Continued membership in the club and renewal of membership will be partly dependant on fulfillment of bingo obligations.
If you are unable to work a bingo you are signed up for, you must notify the Bingo Coordinator at least 48 hours prior to the bingo(s) you are scheduled to work. When less than 48 hours notice is given to the Bingo Coordinator, you will be considered a "No Show" and a $200 Bingo Penalty Cheque will be cashed within 30 days of the bingo that was missed for each of the bingos you were scheduled to work. If you are scheduled to work more than two bingos (ie have friends or family scheduled to work the bingos with you), you will be expected to submit additional $200 penalty cheques for each bingo that was not worked as scheduled.
The adult family members of each athlete are required to sign up for working the bingos as posted at the Shaw Center, Harry Bailey and on the web site. If you do not work a bingo for that posting, your Bingo Security Cheques for those months will be cashed. If you make up the missed bingo in the coming months, a credit will be issued to your account. Account credits will be paid out at the completion of your diver's session.
If you are unable to work your bingo commitments , you have the following three options: arrange for a family member or friend to work them for you, buy out your bingo commitments at registration, or call the Bingo Coordinator at least two weeks prior to the posted bingo date to let them know you are buying it out.
When the bingo worker roster for a posted session has not been filled, the Bingo Coordinator will contact club members who are still required to work their bingo commitments, at least two weeks prior to the bingo, to arrange for additional workers. When no club members with outstanding bingo obligations are available to work, members who have already fulfilled their bingo obligations and have requested that their name be put on a waiting list to work additional bingos will be called. These members will be paid $50 to work the extra bingo. This $50 payment is meant to encourage club members to participate in working bingos for the club, as well as provide an opportunity for club members to off-set their diving expenses.
Within 1 week of a bingo date, if there are still not enough club members available to fill that bingo roster, the Bingo Coordinator will arrange with the bingo hall to have their employees work it for us. These workers are paid $45.
Note: This opportunity to work additional bingos is administered under the following restriction: any member that hasn't fulfilled their bingo commitments takes precedence over those that have.
The Saskatoon Diving Club will not be held responsible for reminding you of your bingo commitments. Once you have signed up for a bingo, the Bingo Coordinator will attempt to contact you and remind you of the bingo date, but the information is posted at the locations mentioned above, and it is your responsibility to make arrangements to either work your bingos or to buy them out.
Bingo Buyout: $125 per bingo
Bingo Security Cheques - $150.00
Bingo Penalty Cheques - $200.00
NSF cheques will be subject to a $35.00 fee to cover the costs charged by the bank.
Bingo Security Cheques will be returned as each bingo is worked.
Bingo Penalty Cheques will be returned at the end of your diver's session.
If you work your bingos, the cost to you is $0.00.